Innovation and sustainability in the industrial refrigeration

Frascold and Criomac for environmentally friendly solutions

6 min. of reading
Frascold and Criomac: sustainable innovation in industrial refrigeration

Criomac relies on Frascold to design efficient and innovative solutions, geared towards the future of the industrial sector.


Founded in 2019, Criomac Srl is a young Italian company that has made a determined and competent entrance into the industrial refrigeration sector. Emerging from the acquisition of a longstanding industry player and the subsequent transfer of cutting-edge expertise and technological resources to Conversano (BA), Criomac today stands out for its ability to blend extensive industrial experience with a modern and sustainable approach. Operating on a global scale, the company aims to deliver refrigeration solutions that meet new environmental and energy efficiency demands.

Technology and sustainability as drivers of growth

From the outset, Criomac has built its identity around a forward-looking vision and relentless innovation. Every project is driven by the desire to develop high-quality refrigeration technologies that optimize resource use and minimize environmental impact, meeting the increasingly stringent standards of the industry. This commitment to sustainability translates into ongoing investments in research and development, aimed at producing machinery that not only enhances operational performance but also contributes to a more responsible industrial future.

Frascold: a strategic partner for advancing innovation

Frascold stands as a strategic and reliable partner for Criomac, bringing its established expertise and cutting-edge technologies to the table. This collaboration, grounded in shared values like environmental responsibility and energy efficiency, enables Criomac to create customized machinery for diverse industrial sectors. Frascold compressors, essential to Criomac’s solutions, are designed to work with both conventional refrigerants and environmentally friendly alternatives such as CO₂ and NH₃. Through this partnership, Criomac delivers versatile, tailored systems perfectly aligned with the operational needs of each client.

Frascold and Criomac: sustainable innovation in industrial refrigeration
Frascold and Criomac: sustainable innovation in industrial refrigeration
Frascold and Criomac: sustainable innovation in industrial refrigeration
Frascold and Criomac: sustainable innovation in industrial refrigeration
Frascold and Criomac: sustainable innovation in industrial refrigeration

Efficiency, reliability and customization for clients

Integrating Frascold’s compressors, crafted to the highest quality standards, allows Criomac to offer solutions that enhance both energy efficiency and reliability of industrial processes. This approach reduces operating costs and emissions while minimizing maintenance requirements and downtime for smoother, more productive operations. Frascold's advanced technical support and high degree of customization enable Criomac to precisely meet the unique specifications of each project, fostering client trust and adding significant value to every solution.


Sustainable growth toward the future

The partnership with Frascold empowers Criomac to face new challenges, driving its ongoing international expansion and the development of advanced refrigeration systems. Their shared commitment to research and development results in innovative solutions that address sustainability and efficiency challenges head-on. Together, Criomac and Frascold aim not only to meet customer needs but also to actively contribute to a more responsible and sustainable industrial future.


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