Frascold redefines the boundaries of HVAC/R

New frontiers of innovation coming in 2025

6 min. of reading
Frascold Redefines the Boundaries of HVAC/R

Frascold revolutionizes the HVAC/R sector with a new generation of semi-hermetic compressors arriving in 2025.


The HVAC/R sector is currently undergoing an unprecedented evolution, seeking increasingly efficient, high-performance, and sustainable technologies. Decarbonization and energy transition represent the industry’s top challenges, alongside a growing demand for innovations that ensure high operational performance and reliability in both refrigeration and heating applications.

With this in mind, Frascold has designed a new generation of semi-hermetic compressors, set to launch in 2025, specifically developed to surpass current market limits and meet the increasingly complex demands of application development. This evolution significantly expands the scope of compressor applications, pushing them far beyond traditional boundaries while offering concrete solutions for a more sustainable future.

From refrigeration to heating: Frascold meets every need

Since its founding, Frascold has been synonymous with reliability across the entire refrigeration sector, offering solutions for food storage, logistics warehouses, freezing tunnels, ice cream production, data centers and even the most complex industrial processes. But true innovation doesn’t stop there.

With the new compressor series arriving in 2025, Frascold is further expanding its range, introducing technologies capable of reaching temperatures up to 165°C, an achievement previously considered unattainable for traditional systems. These innovations open the door to new possibilities for industries such as industrial heating, district heating, heat pumps and various applications in the chemical, pharmaceutical and food sectors.

The fusion between cooling and heating technology marks the beginning of a new era: the heating industry is increasingly looking to HVAC/R technologies, while the refrigeration sector is embracing new horizons and opportunities that were previously unexplored.

Cutting-edge compressors for new applications

Frascold’s innovations for 2025 are the result of continuous investment in R&D and stem from an ongoing dialogue with the market. The defining features of the new compressor series are efficiency, reliability and quiet operation, key attributes that make them the ideal choice for high-temperature applications, eliminating the need for hybrid or combustion-based solutions and promoting refrigeration systems with natural solutions.

The most groundbreaking technical aspect of these compressors is undoubtedly their ability to push operational limits to levels never reached before.” says Livio Calabrese, Sales and Marketing Director of Frascold. He adds “The numerous market players who collaborated with us in developing these new compressors over the past five years were able to witness firsthand, right from the initial testing phases, the possibility of reaching temperatures of 80°C, 120°C, and even 165°C. The astonished expressions on their faces were certainly a strong motivation for our R&D team to develop a complete series, redefining industry standards.

2025 marks a new chapter in the evolution of both the cooling and heating industries, and Frascold is ready to lead this transformation.


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