Frascold presents the integrated headquarters efficiency project

Sustainability, well-being and innovation

6 min. of reading
Frascold Sustainability

Sustainability, innovation and well-being are essential factors for Frascold. 

Improving efficiency, reducing consumption and safeguarding resources in compliance with the principles of the Circular Economy, are priority objectives for Frascold. The recent investments for the headquarters, located in the province of Milan, are a concrete testimony of the Company’s desire to achieve the highest standards of excellence, reduce waste and promote the well-being of its employees. The interventions are expressed in the creation of a state-of-the-art photovoltaic system, in the relamping and in the construction, with natural materials, of a new multifunctional building.



Frascold is committed to tackling climate change by supporting initiatives aimed at reducing the environmental impact of its business activities. In this sense, in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Frascold has recently started the construction of an innovative photovoltaic system. 3.500 total panels will be installed on all usable surfaces of the production site, as well as on the roofs of the parking shelters, which are scheduled to be built in 2021. The project, carried out by Elettra Investimenti, will guarantee the minimum production of 1,311,940 kWh/year of clean energy, to meet almost 50% of the daytime needs, with a reduction in CO2 emissions of 583 t/year.

In order to stimulate sustainable growth, the introduction of a fleet of electric vehicles for corporate mobility is also planned. Frascold’s goal is to combine clean energy production with the need for a covered parking space made available to employees and visitors. For this reason, part of the photovoltaic panels will be installed on special shelters (345 kWp), configuring itself as an ideal infrastructure for the future charging stations.

Frascold Sustainability
Frascold Sustainability
Frascold Sustainability


In this virtuous path, the energy redevelopment interventions of the Italian production plant will also involve a total relamping, which consists in the replacement of the old generation lighting fixtures with LED equipment. In addition to being 100% eco-friendly, they contribute to increasing the efficiency of the building, ensuring considerable savings, both in terms of electricity consumption, for about 180,000 kWh/year, and in regard to maintenance, thanks to an average LED life of over 50,000 hours. A further step towards the reduction of the carbon footprint, which contributes, at the same time, to improving the luminous output and visual comfort in the workplace, in favour of greater well-being of the employees.



As confirmation of Frascold’s vocation to sustainable development, at the heart of which are people, will be the construction a multifunctional building, which will be used as a refectory and as a meeting place with customers and suppliers as well as serving as a room for the organisation of events and company meetings. Designed in its entirety with natural raw materials by the Rubner Group, a partner with over 50 years of experience in environmentally friendly projects, it will bring numerous benefits. Standing out, for example, are the reduced CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, thanks to the choice of a material with low environmental impact, which can be reused or 100% recycled. Also noteworthy is the considerable energy savings of up to 60%, due to the high levels of thermal insulation guaranteed by the wood, which also contributes to creating a healthy microclimate and optimising the acoustics of the rooms. Finally, in addition to giving a sense of warmth, it contributes to improving indoor comfort, enhanced also thanks to an accurate study of the natural lighting, which provides for the presence of large windows.


“Sustainability, innovation and well-being are essential factors for us: for years we have undertaken an investment policy, of which the important integrated project for the headquarters is a concrete example. A far-reaching initiative that will allow significant savings thanks to the production of energy from renewable sources, the responsible use of resources and the continuous improvement of the efficiency of the building,” declares Giuseppe Galli, CEO of Frascold, who concludes, “In this historical moment, Frascold also wants to do its part, favouring the physical and mental well-being of the collaborators and, in this sense, it has anticipated the scheduled interventions for meeting the needs that have emerged during the months of the health emergency.”


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