World Refrigeration Day: Sustainability in the Spotlight

A day to celebrate the connection between the refrigeration and heating sectors

7 min. of reading
World Refrigeration Day: Sustainability in the Spotlight

Frascold, where temperature is not just a number: Temperature Matters


Temperature Matters: this is the title of the 2024 edition of World Refrigeration Day, which aims to highlight the connection between the refrigeration and heating sectors. World Refrigeration Day is a unique and special occasion to bring people from the respective segments together, celebrating their valuable contribution and value. 

At Frascold, we fully embrace this theme, a reflection of our identity and our vision. In the last year, we have warmed up our brand, uniting the iconic Frascold blue and the warmer tones of orange, all enclosed in the symbol of the degree. Temperature is a fundamental aspect in our lives, and the development of increasingly advanced technologies also in the world of heat represents a great opportunity for decarbonisation, which Frascold incorporates into its identity and values.

"The company wishes is to go beyond the technical performance of products, in order to position itself as a reliable, flexible and innovative solution-oriented partner, transforming the way in which companies and end consumers face challenges in the refrigeration and heating world." says Livio Calabrese, Sales Director of Frascold.

World Refrigeration Day: Sustainability in the Spotlight
World Refrigeration Day: Sustainability in the Spotlight
World Refrigeration Day: Sustainability in the Spotlight
World Refrigeration Day: Sustainability in the Spotlight
World Refrigeration Day: Sustainability in the Spotlight
World Refrigeration Day: Sustainability in the Spotlight

Energy efficiency and transition: the way to a sustainable tomorrow

Energy efficiency means achieving specific results with reduced energy consumption, improving the overall performance of plants and reducing waste. For example, through the adoption of efficient plants equipped with high-quality compressors, the use of available energy is maximized. However, a plant should not only be efficient, but also environmentally sustainable. In this context, energy transition plays a crucial role for the future. The energy transition involves a shift to an energy mix consisting of renewable and low-carbon sources. This transition is essential to reduce environmental impact and ensure long-term sustainability. Electrification of consumption, or the use of electricity as an energy source, is an integral part of this transition. These concepts are also linked to the goal of decarbonization, meaning the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. A big step toward decarbonization is the installation of heat pumps, replacing traditional gas boilers, which reduces the burning of fossil gases. At Frascold, we support the energy transition and decarbonization by promoting solutions for the development of increasingly high-performance and efficient systems and heat pumps for every temperature.

With Frascold, always at the right temperature

Frascold stands out for its innovative range of ATEX certified screw and piston compressors with natural refrigerants such as the series of piston compressors for hydrocarbons and HT ATEX for high temperatures, or the FVR ATEX series with screw technology for refrigeration and CX ATEX for the HVAC&R, designed to operate in potentially explosive environments and always ensure the right temperature.
In this sense, in addition to being committed to the development of technologies based on natural refrigerant fluids in line with the new F-GAS Regulation, Frascold contributes to decarbonisation objectives with efficient and environmentally friendly solutions for a more sustainable future.



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