Frascold and DTI for Sustainable Innovation

Frascold advances innovation, by joining The European InterHeat Project launched by the Danish Technological Institute (DTI)

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Frascold and DTI for Sustainable Innovation

Frascold participates in the European project InterHeat - Demonstrating high-temperature heat pumps at different integration levels.


Frascold is steering innovation into a new technological era through its participation in the European InterHeat - Demonstrating high-temperature heat pumps at different integration levels project. This initiative, led by the Danish Technological Institute (DTI), aims to showcase the effectiveness of ultra-high-temperature heat pumps in cutting-edge industrial applications, advancing energy efficiency and decarbonizing production processes.

Leveraging its extensive expertise, Frascold has supplied two compact CX ATEX screw semi-hermetic compressors, capable of operating at over 100°C. Designed to meet the most advanced requirements, these compressors are ideal for the food, pharmaceutical, and industrial sectors, where high temperatures are essential for generating steam and enabling sterilization or drying processes.

"Frascold sees the InterHeat project as an opportunity to accelerate the adoption of more sustainable and efficient technologies in the industrial sector," states Marco Perri, R&D Manager at Frascold. He adds, "Our strong commitment to innovation is evident in our development of high-performance compressors and experimentation with low-impact refrigerants. Our goal is to offer solutions that address every challenge while improving the overall efficiency of processes, as demonstrated by this project, which aims to establish industrial heat pumps as a viable alternative in energy-intensive applications."

Frascold and DTI for Sustainable Innovation
Frascold and DTI for Sustainable Innovation
Frascold and DTI for Sustainable Innovation
Frascold and DTI for Sustainable Innovation

Innovation in action: testing the first high-temperature Heat Pump

The high-temperature heat pump is currently undergoing testing at DTI’s laboratory to assess its capability to deliver pressurized water at production temperatures between 150°C and 160°C, a truly groundbreaking achievement. Upon successful testing, the heat pump will be integrated into a drying process at a factory producing powdered proteins. The system features a dual-stage cascade setup, with each stage equipped with Frascold's semi-hermetic compressors specifically designed for high-temperature applications (up to 170°C) using hydrocarbons such as isobutane and isopentane.


Efficiency and suistainable innovation: Frascold means tailored, high-value solutions

Beyond being a compressor manufacturer, Frascold serves as a key reference point for innovative, tailor-made temperature solutions. The company is equipped to develop prototypes to meet specific application needs, thanks to its team of experts who collaborate closely with clients at every development stage. From design to production and testing, Frascold delivers flexible, high-value-added solutions focused on maximum efficiency and energy savings, making them ideal for a wide range of industrial applications, even the most demanding ones. In conclusion, Frascold’s participation in the InterHeat project reinforces its position as an exceptional partner in the research and development of sustainable solutions, supporting the energy transition of process industries. This initiative marks a significant milestone for Frascold, which, with its future-oriented vision, is poised to chart new directions for an industry that combines performance with environmental respect.


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